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I was thrilled to see this week that delirium is getting some love in the NY Times. If you haven’t seen it yet, check out Jane’s Brody’s article, especially since it features GeriPal’s very own Bree Johnston!

As a person interested in improving geriatric care, I’ve been very interested in delirium. There is just so improvement bang for the buck available when we help caregivers and other providers prevent, recognize, evaluate, and treat delirium.

Better tools to help us provide education and guidance on delirium would certainly benefit America’s elders.

In fact, I am so interested in tools and technology to support geriatrics that I’ve just launched a blog on the subject, at (It also helps that Eric and Alex and the community here have inspired me!)

Just as has provided a forum for people in geriatrics and palliative care to share ideas, I’m hoping that will become a vibrant forum for sharing and discussing technology that supports better geriatric care.

So if you are interested in geriatrics and technology, cometake a look and share an insight or two. You can also learn more about the purpose of the blog by reading the About page.

by: Leslie Kernisan

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