Your Tax Dollars Are Being Wasted by Medicare
The title of this post may sound a little Tea Partyish, but stick with me here… Medicare is projected to…
The title of this post may sound a little Tea Partyish, but stick with me here… Medicare is projected to…
My interest in geriatrics stems from working in a nursing home as a teenager however my exposure to palliative medicine…
There was a great report in one of the most influential medical periodicals today. Not NEJM, or JAMA, or Annals…
I have the distinct honor of wrapping up the online prelude for the SGIM Social Media Workshop “From Twitter to…
The Cunniff-Dixon Foundation in collaboration with the Hastings Center and the Duke Institute on Care at the End of Life…
“What if your doctor, making use of a Web site that collected a number of tested geriatric scales, could enter…
What good is Twitter anyway? Why should I contribute to a blog? What are the limits of what I can…
I received an email yesterday from CNN asking me to comment on a study published today in the Journal Cancer…
Within the context of an aging population, a US health care system in financial flux, and the shortage of primary…
The word on the street is that the National Resident Matching Program (NRMP) will shortly announce that as of 2012,…