A Palliative Care Fellow’s Perspective on Physician-Assisted Death
by Danny Cox (@DannyMD) I’ll be honest. When I started my fellowship in palliative care 4 short months ago, I…
by Danny Cox (@DannyMD) I’ll be honest. When I started my fellowship in palliative care 4 short months ago, I…
by: Alex Smith, @alexsmithMD Alone in the room with your patient, you think you have control over what happens? You…
by: Danny Cox (@dannyMD) The goal of palliative chemotherapy for patients with terminal cancer is to prolong survival and improve…
by: Alex Smith, @AlexSmithMD Have you ever had that experience when you think what you’re doing is futile, and that…
by: Eric Widera (@ewidera) “But one of the most sobering facts is that no current policy or practice designed to…
By: Laura Petrillo, MD @lpetrillz Governor Jerry Brown signed California bill ABx2-15 into lawtoday. The law will give California doctors…
by: Alex Smith, @alexsmithMD The Center to Advance Palliative Care and the National Palliative Care Research Center just released their…
by: Eric Widera @ewidera The majority of hospitalized patients with advanced cancer are given antibiotics in the last week of life…
by: Amy Getter, RN, MS Death scenarios, debates about assisted suicide, hospice and end of life commentaries, “Death cafes” and…
Dying is in serious need of a redesign. This is the point of BJ Miller’s TED talk that was given…