Clinicians should routinely incorporate prognosis into clinical decision making for older adults. Alex Smith, Sei Lee, and I are seeking your insights to help inform a web-based prognostic calculator and systematic review for prognosis in older adults. We thank you in advance for any feedback on either of the following two questions!:
1) systematic review: what prognostic indices do you use for your patients, or have you read about? There is no Medical Subject Heading (Mesh in PubMed) for Prognostic Model. I am now soliciting Geripal advice to supplement our exhaustive literature search. We are especially interested in prognostic indices that use a multivariate algorithm to predict life expectancy via a risk score, but if in doubt, please still send your suggestion.
2) prognostic calculator: any opinions on a catchy and simple name for a website that contains a prognosis calculator for older adults? This calculator would utilize the prognostic indices we identify in the systematic review above. Special Geripal recognition will be given to the best proposal! Some initial ideas include: geriprog, prognosisweb, or gericalc.
By Lindsey Yourman