Following on Sei’s thoughts about robotic-assisted surgery, a fascinating job posting rolled through my inbox that I just couldn’t resist sharing. It describes an important driver of US healthcare costs with almost haiku succinctness:
General Internist
- Step into a lucrative mature practice, no buy-in
- Practitioner has been here 21 years
- Practice located in new clinic building attached to Hospital
- Practice managed by Hospital
- Need to be able to do stress tests and cardiolytes
- Reading echocardiograms a plus
- Endoscopy also encouraged
Nice, quiet community in Northeastern [large Western state].
What do stress tests, cardiolytes, echocardiograms and endoscopy have to do with serving a small, (presumably) elderly rural community with a 49-bed hospital? Especially by a general internist? “Lucrative” is indeed an apt description for this particular skill set, for surely it isn’t very likely to be “healthy”, “caring” or “evidence-based”.
But what fodder for haiku. Why is healthcare in the US expensive and inefficient?
Endoscopy and echo
Stress test and cardiolyte
Lucrative internist.
Still, I am no match for the ad’s own brilliance:
Stress tests and cardiolytes
Echocardiograms a plus
Endoscopy also encouraged.
Feel free to post your own haiku in the comments…
by: John Newman