The #HPMParty is returning to Phoenix during the 2024 AAHPM/HPNA meeting. We will be doing our traditional Pub Crawl, this time in the Roosevelt Row Arts District just north of the convention center.
UPDATE ON LOCATION CHANGES: We are no longer starting at Luckys as they can no longer take us, rather our tentative plan is now Sazerac bar at 8pm on Thursday, March 21st at 8pm. We will likely go to Chambers next from 10-12 and Ghost Donkey at midnight(ish). With that said, exact times and locations are subject to change, so go to geripal.org or follow the hashtag #HPMparty on Twitter for updates along the way.
This is not an official part of either the AAHPM or HPNA meeting, but it is a time where we can all get together for some drinks, some songs, and maybe, just maybe some late night tacos.
As always, please invite and bring any colleagues or new friends with you as this is not an exclusive crowd. Also, if you have trainees coming to the meeting, encourage them to come. The best networking happens when the convention center closes!