This is the first in a series of posts focused on the upcoming American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine’s (AAHPM) Annual Assembly in New Orleans.
The AAHPM annual meeting serves as a venue for health professionals from diverse disciplines to gather together and learn from each other. A particular challenge with such a broad audience is that it requires the participation of all disciplines as educators in workshops and symposiums to create a truly effective educational experience for all conference attendees.
Shaida Talebreza, MD, from the University of Utah School of Medicine, has put together a pre-conference workshop aiming to amplify the voice of early career professionals from all health disciplines at future local, regional and national meetings by sharpening their skills in abstract writing and effective presentation preparation.
This is shaping up to be a fun and interactive workshop involving large-group educational sessions and hands-on small-group sessions in which participants will work with some fabulous facilitators including Rodney Tucker, Tanya Stewart, Pat Coyne, Keith Swetz, Paul Tatum, Rachelle Bernacki, and Arif Kamal. Some of the topics include:
- Patrick Coyne, Rodney Tucker, and Tanya Stewart will facilitate a session on how the AAHPM Planning Committee selects abstracts for the Annual Assembly followed by small group exercises focused on the characteristics of a successful abstract submission
- Rachelle Bernacki and I will be leading a discussion on the 10 rules of effective PowerPoint presentations
- Keith Swetz and Arif Kamal will lead a session where they give examples of creative educational methods that can be utilized during a meeting presentation
- Small group facilitators will help attendees collaborate with each other to develop effective abstract submissions for a local, regional, or national meeting presentation.
So if you haven’t signed up for a pre-conference workshop, think about joining us at “Winning! Taking Your Presentation to the Next Level: From Abstract Submission to Magic at the Podium“.
by: Eric Widera (@ewidera)