Hastening Death by Stopping Eating and Drinking: Hope Wechkin, Thaddeus Pope, & Josh Briscoe
Eric and Alex have featured discussions about complex bioethical concepts around caring for people at the end of life, including…
Eric and Alex have featured discussions about complex bioethical concepts around caring for people at the end of life, including…
Can death be portrayed as beautiful? In this episode, we share the joy of talking with Wendy MacNaughton (artist, author,…
In today’s podcast we set the stage with the story of Dax Cowart, who in 1973 was a 25 year…
We’ve talked about Brain Death before with Robert (Bob) Troug and guest-host Liz Dzeng, and in many ways today’s podcast…
(We couldn’t resist when Miguel Paniagua proposed this podcast idea and title. And no, you’ll be relieved to hear Eric…
Four percent of deaths in Canada are due to Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID). Four percent. The number of people…
During the winter peak in coronavirus cases, things got busy in my hospital, but nothing close to what happened in…
by: Abigail Nathanson, Bridget Sumser, Shirley Otis-Green, and BJ Miller These are survival times. The pandemic, the drawn-out election, the…
Most of us know we are going to die. How often though do we actually let ourselves really internalize that…
In 1968 a committee at Harvard Medical School met to lay down the groundwork for a new definition of death,…